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Queso de bola and marquesitas

Paula Colchero

On the April 17 workshop, we were talking about the history of cheese in Europe and Mexico, and the anecdote of 'Queso de Bola' (ball cheese) and marquesitas came up.

It is said that a ship loaded with dairy products from Europe was shipwrecked in Yucatan, Mexico and that is how the ball-shaped Edam cheese arrived, which became known as Queso de Bola and became part of the Yucatecan gastronomy.

It turns out that the anecdote came from a Mexican-Dutch couple, especially interested in the connection of Dutch cheese with Mexico.

The marquesitas, typical of the area, are sweet wafers with striped ball cheese.

El queso de bola.

I found another very interesting recipe from Yucatan with queso de bola, the Yucatecan stuffed cheese. Here is a video of how it is prepared.

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